Rabu, 10 September 2008

Inuyasha - Season 2 (2002)

Inuyasha - Season 2 (2002)

Inuyasha and Kagome's journey continues as they search for fragments of the Shikon Jewel with their friends Miroku, Shippo, Kirara and Sango. But the task is not easy when Naraku keep coming with the intrigues of new traps to prevent them from making the jewel shards. The adventures of battles in the rivalry between brothers and sisters, journey through the quest against demons in this second season of Inuyasha.

I think if you go buy a large collection to introduce someone lively and May this be the one to choose. Now it is available in a collected (and affordable), the second season is a grand prix.

There is barely a mediocre episode in the lot, and even less bad. Highpoint follows culmination of arm-wrestling at the castle Naraku, combat with the wind Sorceress Kargura, Wolf-Demon Koga, Goshinki mind-reading, strange Juromaru and Kageromaru, and powerful Ryukotsusei. The quarrel with Sesshomaru continues, and we see that Inu Yasha full-demon brother is perhaps not completely evil. Sango bear a lot of pain, both physical and emotional, but fighting, Kagome and begins to adapt to the dangers of the world, she discovered. It is much less helpless in a season. And Kikyo is even more enigmatic than in the first season, though complex, with a perspective that is neither human or demon.

The 2nd season is, in my opinion the best of the best animated programs ever undertaken.
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