Short story: With the colonies at peace, tranquility has spread through the Earth. No longer needing their weapons of battle; the Gundams are sent into the sun to be shattered. But a high-ranking government official is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total domination! The pilots and their allies find themselves called to action once again. The endless waltz has begun...Contains BOTH Theatrical + 3 OVA Episodes. Genre: Sci-Fi / Action / Mecha
Shadix said that Gundam Wing was a breakthrough in Gundam animation and brought even more fans to the Gundam World. Endless Waltz is the conclusion to the 50 episode saga, but can also stand alone without knowing too much about the series. The animation is great and the new gundam style is visually satisfying.
Having the OVA and the Theatrical Version in one is great, there are only a few differences.Like the different Mariemaia voice actress you can barely notice, the songs that are moved or removed, but if you are a hardcore fan it's great to watch. The extra scenes and the removing of the "episode"-like qualities in the movie version are excellent and barely even noticeable.
The only confusing part is that even in flashbacks dated during and before the origanal 50 episodes contain the NEW gundams.Shadix just like to think they had the gundams updated after the war and ignore the flashbacks.
All and all, a GREAT addition to the series. The characters have changed as they would have over a year of peace, and even more character development comes through, essential to a anime based on a series we watched them grow through.
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