Rabu, 25 Juni 2008

Naruto Season 1

Naruto Season 1

This is the kind of respect a series of animated should get. Simply bring the story to the state and leave the "interpretation" and the audience reaction. The blood and all. [They are ninja you know ...] Watch the subtitled for the full effect!

Do not get me wrong - I fully understand the financial and practical value of the publication of a dub version to achieve the broadest possible market. I understand that there are many people who are not only carefully read the dialogue instead listen. And others who simply do not want their photos cluttered with words.

But there are still those (like me) who want their animated as close to the original as possible; uncut and in the language of origin, and with the original seiyuu (voice actor) performance intact. So if that is what you are looking for, oh reader of this review, RUN and buy this game as soon as you can. The translation is good (well. .. except for "believing", * sigh * Well, okay ... I can ignore), the presentation fine and you get a nice bonus in the storyboard booklet. But most of all, you get whole, the history of Naruto as originally planned ... not only the parties as "fairly safe" to the American public.

Thank you, namely, giving us Naruto fans that much respect - and a choice. For my part, I look forward to the release of the next round in this series uncut - the money in hand.

... I would just like ONE PIECE savers could get the same respectful treatment as well. * Cries *

2008 EDIT: Yes, it has both a dubbed English track and the way Japanese language with English subtitles. And yes, Funimation has One Piece and we promise a cut a release later this month. Woo hoo! Let Pirate Ninja vs wars really heated!

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